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Monday, April 30, 2012

Review: Pirate Hunting by Benerson Little

Pirate Hunting: The Fight Against Pirates, Privateers, and Sea Raiders from Antiquity to the PresentPirate Hunting: The Fight Against Pirates, Privateers, and Sea Raiders from Antiquity to the Present by Benerson Little

My rating: 4 of 5 stars


  Pirate Hunting: The Fight Against Pirates, Privateers, and Sea Raiders from Antiquity to the Present
by Benerson Little is an excellent historical survey from present day.  LIttle presents a scholarly yet readable history of piracy from the earliest records to the action off Somalia. His footnotes at the end of the book attest to a great attention to detail. LIttle does not quote the same commonly cited sources such as Johnson and Exquemelin, so the fresh sources help build a better picture of piracy's character throughout the ages.

Little brings a wealth of practical experience to the table. First as a former Navy SEAL, he is well acquainted with small boat actions, which have for centuries been the preferred way to board and take a vessel.  He is also a fencing instructor, who has great experience with close quarters combat. Benerson Little is to pirate history what Sam Willis is to the Age of Sail naval history.

I would recommend Little's books to anyone who has more than a passing interest in the problem of piracy.  He does not have a political agenda coloring his work, but presents an intelligent, yet gritty view of pirates as they actually were and still are.

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